Daniela Kapitáňová

photo of Daniela Kapitanova by Tomas Benedikovic

photo by Tomáš Benedikovič

Daniela Kapitáňová (1956) grew up and currently lives in Komárno, a town on the Danube, whose other half, Komárom, lies on the opposite side of the river in Hungary. She has come to fiction fairly late in life, having trained as a theatre director in Prague, and directed in both Slovak and Czech theatres. Kapitáňová has worked for Slovak Radio, writes opinion pieces and teaches creative writing at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra. She is the author of two detective stories but is most famous for her first book, Samko Tále. Kniha o cintoríne (Samko Tále’s Cemetery Book, 2006), which she sent to the publisher Koloman Kertész Bagala anonymously, under the narrator’s pseudonym.

Available in English

front cover of Daniela Kapitanova – Samko Tale’s Cemetery Book

Samko Tále’s Cemetery Book

translated by

Julia Sherwood

front cover of Slovak Fiction: Review of Contemporary Fiction

featuring an excerpt

from Samko Tále’s

Cemetery Book

translated by

Clarice Cloutier

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