Slovak Books in English

front cover of Balla – Among the Ruins

Among the Ruins

by Balla

translated by

David Short

front cover of Milan Rufus - And That’s the Truth

And That’s the Truth

by Milan Rúfus

translated by

Ewald Osers, Viera and

James Sutherland-Smith

front cover of Jana Benova - Away Away

Away! Away!

by Jana Beňová

translated by

Janet Livingstone

front cover of Ivana Dobrakovova - Bellevue


by Ivana Dobrakovová

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Balla - Big Love

Big Love

by Balla

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Pavol Orszagh Hviezdoslav – The Bloody Sonnets

The Bloody Sonnets

by Pavol Országh


translated by

John Minahane

front cover of Monika Kompanikova – Boat Number Five

Boat Number Five

by Monika Kompaníková

translated by

Janet Livingstone

front cover of Katarina Kucbelova – The Bonnet

The Bonnet

by Katarína Kucbelová

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Michal Hvorecky – Bratislava The Magic Metropolis


The Magic Metropolis

by Michal Hvorecký

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Jan Johanides – But Crime Does Punish

But Crime Does Punish

by Ján Johanides

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Anton Balaz – The Camp of Fallen Women

The Camp

of Fallen Women

by Anton Baláž

translated by

Jonathan Gresty

front cover of Michal Hvorecky – Danube The Magic River


The Magic River

by Michal Hvorecký

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Balla - Dead


by Balla

translated by

David Short

front cover of Ursula Kovalyk - The Equestrienne

The Equestrienne

by Uršuľa Kovalyk

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Marek Vadas – The Escape

The Escape

by Marek Vadas

translated by

Magdalena Mullek

front cover of Mila Haugova – Eternal Traffic

Eternal Traffic

by Mila Haugová

translated by

James Sutherland-Smith

front cover of Pavel Vilikovsky - Ever Green Is

Ever Green Is …

Selected Prose

by Pavel Vilikovský

translated by

Charles Sabatos

front cover of Pavel Vilikovsky - Fleeting Snow

Fleeting Snow

by Pavel Vilikovský

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Jan Uliciansky – The Four Elves and the Fairy

The Four Elves

and the Fairy

by Ján Uličiansky

translated by

Charles Sabatos

front cover of Marek Vadas – The Healer

The Healer

by Marek Vadas

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Viliam Klimacek – The Hot Summer of 1968

The Hot Summer

of 1968

by Viliam Klimáček

translated by

Peter Petro

front cover of Peter Kristufek – The House of the Deaf Man

The House

of the Deaf Man

by Peter Krištúfek

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Janko Kral – I Was Not Born for Quiet

I Was Not Born

for Quiet

by Janko Kráľ

translated by

John Minahane

front cover of Jana Juranova – Ilona My Life with the Bard

Ilona. My Life

with the Bard

by Jana Juráňová

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of In the Name of the Father

In the Name

of the Father

by Balla

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Pavol Rankov – It Happened on the First of September (or Some Other Time)

It Happened on the

First of September

(or Some Other Time)

by Pavol Rankov

translated by

Magdalena Mullek

front cover of 2023 reissue of Rudolf Dobias – A Long Nights Stories

A Long Night’s Stories

by Rudolf Dobiáš

translated by

Heather Trebatická


John Minahane

front cover of Zuska Kepplova – The Moon in Foil

The Moon in Foil

by Zuska Kepplová

translated by

Magdalena Mullek

front cover of Ivana Dobrakovova – Mothers and Truckers

Mothers and Truckers

by Ivana Dobrakovová

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Jana Juranova – My Seven Lives Jana Juranova in Conversation with Agnesa Kalinova

My Seven Lives:

Jana Juráňová

in Conversation

with Agneša Kalinová

by Jana Juráňová

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Jana Bodnarova – Necklace Choker


by Jana Bodnárová

translated by

Jonathan Gresty

front cover of Ursula Kovalyk - Night Circus

The Night Circus

and Other Stories

by Uršuľa Kovalyk

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Pavol Rankov – On the Other Hand

On the Other Hand

by Pavol Rankov

translated by

Magdalena Mullek

front cover of Peter Pistanek – Rivers of Babylon

Rivers of Babylon

translated by

Peter Petro

front cover of Peter Pistanek – The Wooden Village Rivers of Babylon 2

The Wooden Village

(Rivers of Babylon 2)

translated by

Peter Petro

front cover of Peter Pistanek – The End of Freddy Rivers of Babylon 3

The End of Freddy

(Rivers of Babylon 3)

translated by

Peter Petro

front cover of Daniela Kapitanova – Samko Tale’s Cemetery Book

Samko Tále’s

Cemetery Book

by Daniela Kapitáňová

translated by

Julia Sherwood

front cover of Mila Haugova – Scent of the Unseen

Scent of the Unseen

by Mila Haugová

translated by

James and Viera Sutherland-Smith

front cover of Gustav Reuss – The Science of the Stars

The Science of the Stars

by Gustáv Reuss

translated by

David Short

front cover of Jana Benova - Seeing People Off

Seeing People Off

by Jana Beňová

translated by

Janet Livingstone

front cover of Jan Rozner – Seven Days to the Funeral

Seven Days to the Funeral

by Ján Rozner

translated by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

front cover of Pavol Orszagh Hviezdoslav – A Song of Blood

A Song of Blood

by Pavol Országh


translated by

Jaroslav Vajda

front cover of Irena Brezna – The Thankless Foreigner

The Thankless Foreigner

by Irena Brežná

translated by

Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp

front cover of Margita Figuli – Three Chestnut Horses

Three Chestnut Horses

by Margita Figuli

translated by

John Minahane

front cover of Tidal Events

Tidal Events

by Mária Ferenčuhová

translated by

James Sutherland-Smith

front cover of To Bear the Burden and Sing

To Bear the Burden

and Sing

by Milan Rúfus

translated by

John Minahane

front cover of Jana Bodnarova – The Tree Which Came From Afar

The Tree Which Came

From Afar

by Jana Bodnárová

translated by

Jonathan Gresty

front cover of Zuzana Ciganova – Vanity Unfair

Vanity Unfair

by Zuzana Cigánová

translated by

Magdalena Mullek


front cover of The Dedalus Book of Slovak Literature

The Dedalus Book

of Slovak Literature

edited by

Peter Karpinský

translated by

Denis Dobrovoda,

Janet Livingstone,


Magdalena Mullek

front cover of Into the Spotlight

Into the Spotlight:

New Writing

from Slovakia

edited and translated by

Magdalena Mullek


Julia Sherwood

front cover of Slovak Fiction: Review of Contemporary Fiction

Slovak Fiction

The Review

of Contemporary Fiction

Vol. XXX, #2

edited and translated by

Clarice Cloutier

front cover of Six Slovak Poets

Six Slovak Poets

edited by

Igor Hochel

translated by

John Minahane

front cover of Zero Hours on the Boulevard

Zero Hours

on the Boulevard:

Tales of Independence

and Belonging

edited by

Alexandra Büchler


Alison Evans

with a translation by

Julia and Peter Sherwood

© Mullek and Sherwood